Advertise With Us
Our Accommodation Listing Service (ALS) acts as a service for local landlords to advertise their available rentals in the Kingston area.
You do not need to be a member with the Landlord Contract Program to set up an account to advertise your unit. LCP members do receive a discount on posting ads.
Queen’s does not endorse or warrant the quality of the rental units provided through the Accommodation Listing Service. It is a tool to help students in need of rental accommodation to connect with landlords who have rental properties available. We strongly encourage students to become informed consumers by reading available materials, asking questions, etc.
How to Advertise
- To Register a new account: Register for an account online to create and pay for your own listings.
- To have our staff enter your ad: Please complete and submit the Advertising Form for each unit to be advertised, along with the appropriate fees. Please note, once the ad is posted, any changes (other than those required due to incorrect entry of information by our office) will result in additional advertising fees. Please be sure to review your information before submitting.
- Completed forms and payments should be brought/mailed to Community Housing at 169 University Ave, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6. While we endeavour to have your ad posted as soon as possible, due to high traffic volumes please allow up to 3 business days from the time we receive the advertisement for it to appear on the listing service.
Please email
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am trying to register but the system says “your email already exists in the system”.
A: If you listed a property with us between January 15/10 to present: There may be an account already set up for you. You will become aware of this if you try to register and are told that your email exists in the system already. If that occurs, click here and enter the email address you used for your listing, for Secret Question choose “Favourite Pet’s Name” (unless you changed it, in which case you will need to choose the secret question that you chose and enter the appropriate response) and then enter dog as the answer. Your username and password will be sent to your email address. If your email address is not recognized, you will need to register again.
Q: My Unit has been rented how do I remove an ad from the system?
A: To remove an ad from The Service first log onto your profile. Once at your Menu screen
click ‘My Ads’ on the left hand toolbar. All of your active ads will be displayed in a list with little
boxes on the left hand side of each. Click on the box beside the ad that you wish to
remove. Once ticked scroll down and click on ‘Archive’ – the system will ask you if you are sure
you want to Archive it‐ if you click ‘yes’ it will be removed from the system and saved on your
profile for the next time you want to create an ad.
Q: How long does my ad stay active for?
A: 30 days
Q: I am trying to create a password but the system is telling me that it already recognizes my
email address‐ what do I do?
A: If this is the case then we have created a temporary password on your behalf. To have the
password sent to your email address please fill in the security question ‘what is your favourite
pet’s name’ with the word ‘dog’ as the answer then hit enter. Your temporary password will
automatically be emailed to you.
Q: Can I edit my ad once it is posted?
A: Yes, landlords have up to 48 hours to make some edits to their ad once an ad has been
posted. Landlords are not able to add pictures once the ad has been posted. When creating
your ad please be sure to carefully review the ‘Preview’ screen before continuing to your cart.
Q: The rent is showing as $0.00 but I did fill in a dollar amount‐ what do I do?
A: You have typed in a dollar sign ($) in the front of the dollar amount in the rent field which
caused this error‐ please call the office 613.533.2501 if it is past the 48 hour edit period and
we will update your ad with the correct rent amount.
Q: Why does my ad show as “Distance: 0.00 km from 99 University Ave”?
A: You have not entered a postal code and the “Distance selector” has not been selected. You
will need to enter the postal code of the property and click in the circle under “Distance
selector”, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on save.
Q: Not all of my contact details are showing on my ad‐ what do I do?
A: When you are creating your ad – especially when using the template of a previously used
(Archived) ad – make sure that the little boxes on the right hand side of the desired contact
detail fields are checked. Carefully review the ‘Preview’ screen before continuing to ‘your cart’
to ensure that the appropriate details are included. If your ad is posted and the contact details
you had wanted are not included please call the office at 613.533.2501 if it is past the 48 hour
edit period and we will update your ad with the correct contact information.
Q: My ad is about to expire how do I renew it for another 30 days?
A: You will need to login and go to “create advertisement” just like you were placing a new ad.
Once you click on the property address to highlight it and click on “load property” your
previous information will load and then you can make any changes necessary for the new ad.
Once the ad is paid for it will remain on the listing service website for 30 days.
Accommodation Listing Service Forms
- Listing Service Advertising Form – Use this form to complete information about the rental unit that you wish to have advertised on the Queen’s Listing Service (if to be entered by our staff).